Why we use precious metals to ID our offerings

From James and Sana:

We were sitting down one day to begin creating the packages we’re able to offer our clients for podcast production, coaching, social media management, email coaching and what not. Sana suggested we use precious metals to identify each package we offer.

It’s typical for businesses such as ours to label each package they offer with numbers, colors, so as to help identify exactly what they’re purchasing. You’ll see the “Red” or “Green” package. Restaurants do this with their numbering system for the combo meals they offer.

So this concept is nothing that hasn’t been done before, but Sana had some interesting thoughts as to why we should use precious metals to identify our packages.

  1. It requires extraordinary effort just to get the licenses, equipment, manpower just to begin excavating the metals from the earth. This encourages cooperation, setting aside ego or preconceived ideas of what “success” looks like; one is dependent on others, and is intimately familiar with Nature, i.e. the ground from which they are extracting the metals.
  2. The actual work of excavating the metals is arduous, tedious. The slightest misstep can make or break an operation; and it often takes months, even years before the metal in the earth can be located and properly mined.
  3. Once taken from the earth, it requires extraordinary artistry to take the raw metals and turn it into something of value; something like a cut diamond, a beautiful necklace or ring. A layman cannot do this work; it requires a master craftsman who has devoted his life to his craft, indeed it is his ikigai in life (listen to a podcast James did on the topic of ikigai here.)

With all that in mind, it made perfect sense to choose precious metals to label our production and coaching packages. We begin with the least valuable of the metals we chose (although still extremely valuable in its own right) and end with the most valuable. Here is the list we chose:

  1. Ag (Silver)
  2. Pt (Platinum)
  3. Au (Gold)
  4. Pd (Palladium)
  5. Ir (Iridium)
  6. Rh (Rhodium)

Now the important thing to remember is that choosing the “lowest value” metal doesn’t mean it’s any less valuable than the more expensive offerings. It’s what works for you, and quite frankly it could mean it’s going to be far more valuable to you than anyone else, because you’re taking ownership of your own media projects – with some guidance from us.

The more pricey offerings, well they simply require more from us in terms of time and mental capital invested, which is why they’re more expensive.

The bottom line is there isn’t anything we can’t provide, or help you accomplish when it comes to media projects. If it involves hitting a button that says “Publish,” we can help!

To book a short 15 minute exploratory call to see if working with us is right for your digital media needs, find a time that works with your schedule using the form below.