What would the Rockefellers do?

Got a hot new podcast thrown through the sausage factory and published super early this morning. I was tossing and turning at about 3 am, so I decided rather than futile efforts at sleeping, may as well get some work done. Today’s episode of the Gone Newclear podcast features financial adviser Sarry Ibrahim of thinklikeabank.com. 

Sarry has helped hundreds of folks turn their financial fortunes in a positive direction, and I was thrilled to book him for a guest slot on the podcast.  In this interview, we discuss what most Americans get wrong when it comes to thinking about money, how to think like a bank when planning family finances, and much more. 

We also mentioned the book What Would the Rockefellers Do? by Garrett Gunderson, which I highly recommend reading. Garrett got into some hot water with the Rockefeller family using their name in his book title without their permission, so he changed it to something like “What would the billionaires do?”  But I like the original title, and I defy the Rockefeller Family to come after me for using their name in my humble email subject line, sent to my humble subscribers. 

Here’s the link to listen to the podcast. (It’s less than 25 minutes in length.)