There are podcasters, and then there are people who have podcasts

The more I do this podcasting thing, the more I see the profound difference between the two.

A podcaster is one who views his or her podcast as part of their identity. I’m of this ilk. It’s not just what I do, it’s what I am. If I didn’t do it, there would be a part of me that didn’t feel right. Kind of like when I don’t play trumpet for a few days, maybe a week. My lips begin to feel like they’re saying, “Hey bud, remember us? We’re not just wall flowers, use us!” It’s not painful, it’s just that they’re accustomed to being used and they haven’t in awhile, and that certain feeling comes.

A podcaster does the craft because it’s who they are. They don’t miss a week they’re supposed to do an episode, and if they do for whatever reason, they feel like my lips do after not playing my horn. Something is just off, not complete inside.

A person with a podcast on the other hand can miss a week here, a week there, and they’re just fine with it. They’re not emotionally invested in the craft like a true podcaster is. They might do it because someone else is doing it and enjoys it, maybe even makes a little bit of money doing it. They could very well enjoy doing it, maybe they make some money with it, but it’s not a vital part of who they are as an individual. If they were to stop doing it tomorrow, they’d be just fine.

I’m not trying to say that either are wrong ways to approach the craft of podcasting; it’s just that I know who I’d rather hang around, not to mention who I’d rather work for as a hired hand editing someone else’s show. I just had a conversation today with a client who has a great show and is doing quite well with the download numbers. But the consistency has been lagging as of late. The superficial reason is that he’s super busy with his business and just doesn’t have time to do the podcast. The real reason, once you clear away the fluff and excuses, is he’s not a podcaster, he’s a guy who has a podcast.

A true podcaster in his position would figure out a way to get something out onto the podcast feed. Back when I edited Ben Greenfield’s show, there were times when he would talk into his microphone on his iPhone while taking a walk when an episode was light on content. In 4.5 years on the job, there was never a missed episode, and that’s going twice per week at 60-90 minutes per episode. That is a real podcaster, one who just gets stuff done no matter what.

I’m not saying this to judge anyone, I’ve been in the latter category myself far too often. In fact, editing other people’s shows caused me to slack off on my own shows. It’s something I’ve decided to remedy and have been making plans to relaunch my Trumpet Dynamics podcast with vigor and zest. The show Sana and I do together, Ba Vojdaan, will follow suit once soon after.

I’m not just a guy who has a podcast, I’m a podcaster. And I’m proud of it! That’s a lame way to end an email, but Derek Jeter struck out his share of times too.

Anyway, if you’re a trumpeter and want in on the new and revitalized Trumpet Dynamics show, here’s the link to listen to the episodes I’ve been re-releasing the last few weeks in preparation for new ones beginning this Monday.