The liver and onions truck is coming!

One of the two remaining benefits of having a Facebook account (Messenger being the other) is being able to laugh hysterically at old Far Side cartoons by the great Gary Larson. There are more than a few groups dedicated to The Far Side, and it’s even inspired Gary Larson to create a few new comics, start a website, etc.

In fact, Far Side cartoons may or may not be inspiration for some of my emails in the future; I guess time will tell 😉

One cartoon I saw the other day is a truck that looks like those old ice cream trucks, only it had written on the side, “Liver and Onions.” Then in the corner are two boys with shall we say concerned looks on their faces.

I’m going to go on a limb and say that guy selling liver and onions while patroling the streets of suburbia didn’t do too well with his sales that day, nor any day for that matter. The problem is he’s doing the right thing, meaning getting out and hustling – but he’s got the wrong product, selling to the wrong people.

Liver is typically found in the corner of the meat section at the grocery store. And for good reason. It tastes terrible, and the texture is “tofuesque”. It’s super healthy, and young boys can be cajoled into eating it – so long as they know they can get something from the ice cream truck after dinner.

When the ice cream truck is selling the thing they loathe, it’s problematic!

The secret to creating compelling content is to deliver a message with the nutritional value of liver, but making it taste like ice cream. Figuratively speaking of course. And while I’ve definitely been that guy with the truck patrolling the streets selling liver and onions when the buyers want ice cream, I think I’m at least a tiny bit closer to finding that magic combination of “infotainment” with my content than I was even two years ago.

It’s what I’m going for with my new podcast called This Is What We CRAVE. I’ve been busy recording fresh interviews this week, and am about to release a brand new episode today, so you might want to check it out if you’re looking for meaningful content delivered in an engaging style.

Here’s the link to listen and subscribe to the podcast: