Ignore this sign at your own peril

Here’s an interesting story for you. When I first moved to Virginia Beach in August 2018, I lived in apartment building that’s right on the ocean front of Virginia Beach. Across the street from the apartment building were a couple of churches. 

Now it’s interesting how when you are recently separated from your spouse, you’re basically deciding what is your new life going to look like. I had always been a person who went to church, or religious services of whatever type my entire life, including in my previous marriage. But I was basically starting over in many ways, so I was asking myself what part of my life is this going to look like?

It was a Saturday as I was deliberating this in my mind and heart, and all of a sudden the song “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” came to my mind. I hadn’t heard that song in probably 20 years. But all of a sudden it was right in my head, and I was just singing it and I didn’t really think anything of it at the time. 

So Sunday morning came along and I decided I’m going to check out the Presbyterian Church across the street. I’ve attended presbyterian churches in the past so it just makes sense that I would choose this one. I walk in, get the bulletin, you know the whole spiel if you’ve ever been in a church service. And then after the preacher gave the sermon, the gospel quartet came up to the stage and guess what song they sang? It was Swing Low Sweet Chariot. 

Circumstances like that don’t just happen. When you run into situations like that, it is not a chance occurrence. Ignore them at your own peril, I say.

So I took it as a sign that I should involve myself with this congregation to whatever degree. Being a musician, a trumpet player to be exact, I offered my services after having attended a few times of course. And I was told that they didn’t have any need for anything like that on a regular basis, but they have a fine choir and asked if I would be willing to give singing a shot. I have never done it before, so it was definitely stepping out of my comfort zone. But I did it and enjoyed it eventually. 

It was a bit nerve-racking at first, but I eventually came to enjoy it. And there was even times where I was asked to play my trumpet and those situation went very well. This was on my mind this Easter weekend as I’ve committed to singing with their choir for their weekend services. It’s a big commitment with two rehearsals and 4 services, but commitment breeds community, right? You don’t want to let down your comrades on those days you just don’t feel like getting up and doing it.

So the whole scenario ended up working out really nicely, and it’s just one of those things where you have that inclination inside and you don’t know exactly what it is, but you just know that there’s something bigger than yourself that is calling the shots.

Stories like this are what I live for, not to mention helping other people share their own stories with audio podcasts. That is our speciality at the GSD Network, and if you’re in need of some help with the technical or idea side of things, give us a call.


  1. Virginia on April 17, 2022 at 6:10 pm

    Great story, James.!
    We have loved you since you were a baby, watched you grow. You have been a fine son and a good big brother to your siblings. We will continue to hear from you.
    Your G and G