Dirty ideas come to life

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7

I love that scripture, as it reminds me of the process of creating content, be it an audio show published on Spotify, a video published on Odysee, a physical book, a print newsletter, or any number of the limitless options available on the market today.

No, we’re not creating a human being and breathing into it a living soul as did our Creator to the first man. We do have our limitations, don’t we? 😉

But in many ways, that’s exactly what we do. We take a jumble of words in our head, abstract concepts, that in its present state is “dead”, or better said, contains no life.

But when we sit down to type on our computer, or speak into our microphone, anything that involves hitting a button that says “Publish”, we’re bringing new life into the world around us.

Is it terrifying? Yep. Thrilling? You bet

Whether you have 30 or 30,000 readers/listeners/viewers, there’s nothing like the rush of publishing something that you created, that is an extension of your truth as you see it, and knowing that the lives of other people are being improved because of it.

Of course, this entails a lot of work, so much that many ideas are simply lifeless bones like the lump of clay that became the first human being when it received the breath from its Creator. It’s interesting to think of how many great ideas have not had the “breath of life” breathed into it because a content creator is discouraged by the sheer amount of work that goes into it.

You’ve got editing, mastering, show notes, graphics, publishing on social media (if you choose to do so) – and that’s just the beginning if you want to at least respect yourself.

It’s simply too much for one person to handle, and so those ideas sit in the mind of the creator like so much dust on the ground.

“Dirty ideas” I like to call them.

That’s why I do what I do.

To help content creators take their ideas and publish them into the marketplace. I’ve been doing it for awhile, and know a thing or two about how to give something raw a nice haircut and ship it out for public consumption. I have helped people of all stripes get their “dirty ideas” into tip-top shape, presenting a clean, polished product for the market to consume and benefit from.

We don’t do anything fancy.

We simply Get Stuff Done, hence the name of the business, G.S.D. Network.

We offer the following services:

  • Full podcast production including audio editing, show notes, graphics, publishing
  • Video editing
  • Audiobook narration
  • Copywriting and email marketing

If you’d like to book a complimentary 15 minute exploratory call to see if we’re a good fit to work together, I encourage you to do so here.

James Newcomb