Missing the content forest for the idealistic trees

I recently had an email thread with a podcast production client who has been struggling as of late to put out new content. He’s been with us for about a year, and the first 9 months or so were solid, never missed a scheduled episode, and all was well. This past few months however have…

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Do more, demand more

Power was out today at the home office, so I grabbed a book to read while I waited for it to come back on. The topic of “leadership” came up, and I read this doozy: Two critical traits of leadership: Always be willing to do more than you ask of those that follow you. Always demand more from…

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What I learned in my lesson with Bud Herseth

I know many folks that subscribe to this newsletter are not trumpeters, so allow me to give a bit of background on the name I mentioned in the headline of this email. Bud Herseth was among the greatest symphonic trumpeters ever. Like, in the world. Like since the beginning of time. And since symphonic trumpet…

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When nature calls, it doesn’t use voicemail

When I was a younger man than I am now, I had as sturdy a bladder as the next guy. Now that I’ve grown a bit older, it’s not quite the strength and fortitude that I once had to hold it in.  Road trips these days can be a bit interesting. For example, I drove…

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Ignore this sign at your own peril

Here’s an interesting story for you. When I first moved to Virginia Beach in August 2018, I lived in apartment building that’s right on the ocean front of Virginia Beach. Across the street from the apartment building were a couple of churches.  Now it’s interesting how when you are recently separated from your spouse, you’re…

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Dirty ideas come to life

“And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7 I love that scripture, as it reminds me of the process of creating content, be it an audio show published on Spotify, a video published on Odysee, a…

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