This blog post will kill the Covid-19 virus

Sana and I saw something that made us laugh the other day. Someone was throwing out some cleaning wipes in the trash can, and we happened to notice the side of the box said, “Kills the Covid-19 Virus” or words to that effect.

So Covid is now used as a selling point for cleaning products. Kind of like those “gluten free” gummy worms I buy for my son Gabriel. Sure they’ve got plenty of toxins and are completely absent in any nutritional value whatsoever – but at least I can rest easy knowing they don’t contain gluten.

I figured since Covid is being used as a selling point for cleaning products that have never been known to “kill” a virus in the first place, I may as well state the obvious and say this email will kill it too. Why not? I’ve got mouths to feed, just like the folks who produce those cleaning wipes. May as well get some mileage out of the virus 😉

Now that we’ve entered and exited the realm of the Untrue, let’s state what is true. And that is whatever we feed is going to thrive, be it positive or negative. If you feed the anger, jealousy, resentment within you, it’s going to thrive and grow into something truly monstrous. If you starve said anger, jealousy and resentment, it’s going to whither. Now, it’s not going to ever die, just like a virus will never die. But if it is ignored, it won’t become something harmful to our spirits and souls.

At the same token, if we feed virtue, positive thoughts, gratitude for the smallest of things, we’ll flourish in our souls and our lives. It’s the law of nature and it can’t be disputed.

Sana and I talked about this in our podcast yesterday, and we were able to feature a great Vietnamese thinker named Thich Nhat Hanh in doing so.

It was a fun conversation, and you may get some benefit out of it if you give it a listen.

Here’s the link: