Why I quit following “The Script”

You know how it goes. Someone has a beef with you at your workplace, either in person or remote, it doesn’t matter. They’re upset because they don’t like the way you look at them, the way you spoke to them, and everyone in the room is in agreement that you violated the protocol of the workplace. 

The script says that you make penance, that you publicly apologize to the person who has been offended by your actions, and you swear on your mothers grave that it will never happen again. You have engaged in a period of intense self reflection, you say, and realized that you have been found wanting in your overall mentality towards the human race and will immediately roll in the first available course titled “Positive Human Relations and Why You Don’t Have Any”. 

Such are the actions of those who “follow the script “. These are the same people who wear facemasks because some talking head with a suit and tie says in no uncertain terms that the fate of humanity rests in your decision to don such mask. It’s the way we’re conditioned from childhood. You do something wrong in the classroom to violate one of the rules, and you have to make things right. 

It all seems perfectly innocent, until it’s not. 

I’m not saying this because I have any extra grind with any school teachers of any kind, nor am I saying that you should not own your failures when you are legitimately in the wrong. What I’m saying is that doing things just because we believe it’s what we think is expected of us is very dangerous thought pattern to be in. 

“I can see how what I said would be offensive to you, I apologize,” is very different from “You’re clearly offended at what I said, I will change my ways immediately.” The first response is positive, healthy. They are the words of someone who acknowledges their fault, and makes legitimate action to make things right. The second is coming from a place of manipulation. The mob has their agenda, and you will fall in line with what we say is acceptable. 

I dealt with that mentality just about every single day when I was in the army. It’s no wonder that I and the Army culture did not get along, let’s just say that. In fact I eventually realized that it was my objection to that mindset which led to me identifying as a conscientious objector. The “follow the script” mentality is intended to teach people to kill on order from their superior officers, without questioning whether or not it’s moral, legal or ethical. Many people that I worked with were similarly rubbed the wrong way by this culture, they simply found a way to tolerate it as long as was necessary whereas I could not. 

“I am what I am”, the great moral philosopher Popeye once said.

These days I don’t have to worry about following “the script” all that often. Thank goodness, because I’d be on the street if I had to lol. I spend my days engaged in work that fills my spirit with joy and fulfillment, engaged with people who live their life with purpose and meaning. And on the rare occasions when there are disagreements between myself and clients, (not coworkers ha ha), the communication is always constructive and productive and leads to a healthy resolution. Because there is no script to follow other than my conscience and how it has been informed through religious training, mentors, coaches, parents, my spouse, even my child. 

If you have a message that you want to share with the world without having to worry about following “the script” we’d love to help with that. We’re taking on new clients at the GSD network. Check us out if you want to inquire about getting started! https://jns.media/gsd-network