Who’s at fault?

Who do you get mad at when you realize you’ve believed something that is either blatantly false or you’ve been misled in some way? Do you get angry at the person who misled you? Or do you get angry at yourself for believing the falsehood or the lie without really questioning anything?

I guess both parties are at fault, aren’t they? We in our pride tell ourselves we’re independent thinkers, that we “question everything”, yet how often do we just blindly follow someone who just speaks with a louder voice than others, or the person who appears to be the most credible on the most superficial levels?

Do we get angry at them for misleading us, or do we get angry at ourselves for allowing ourselves to be misled, for not questioning anything, or for just “going along to get along”?

I guess both are wrong. It brings to the mind the old adage, “The first rule of getting out of a hole is to stop digging.”

Quit digging, and start filling that hole.

Quit believing the lie and embrace the truth.