“What’s Your Podcast About?”

When I began the This Is What We C.R.A.V.E. podcast in January 2023, people would often ask me, “What’s your podcast about?”

It’s a completely honest question, although the answer I’ve developed in the intervening time would probably be overkill in a short conversation setting.

In the past, it was pretty straightforward. I had shows “about music.” “How to make money with your music,” “Trumpet appreciation,” things of that nature.

But this one was a different can of worms entirely. In some ways it was kind of risky to take on this endeavor: a podcast that I don’t entirely know how to answer the question, “What’s your podcast about?”

I knew I wanted to do a show that went beyond music, but I didn’t know exactly what this show was going to look like. So when someone would ask me that, I would predictably have the proverbial “calf looking at a new gate” look when this was asked of me.

Is it a bit embarrassing? Yes, but just a bit. The important thing is that I was doing what I knew in my heart was what I needed to be doing with the limited creative energies with which I’ve been bestowed by my Creator.

How to answer questions like that tend to work themselves out with practice; no use losing sleep over it when you’re asked them.

In December and January, when I was booking interviews, or just explaining to people who inquired, “So what are you up to these days?” I would say something along the lines of, “Well, the show is about things that I’m into; things that light my fire, and I want to talk to subject matter experts on these things and make the interviews available for whoever wants to listen to them.”

In truth, that’s not a bad, nor inaccurate answer. It’s a tad bit wordy though, so some thought as to how to refine the answer into a handy-dandy 15 second pitch was needed. Over time, I’ve answered the question by saying, “My podcast is about whatever we’re talking about that day.”

This past week, we had a podcast about a trumpet player who overcame depression and alcoholism by remaining devoted to his music.

The day before that, the podcast was about our dog Cinnamon.

Upcoming podcasts are about Unschooling, how musicians can claim long-lost royalties due to them, non-punitive parenting, and whatever else the Great Winds of Dialogue bring our way as we seek to uncover what we humans CRAVE during our time on this Earth.

I’ve heard people say something along the lines of, “Your podcast should be about YOU.” I think I understand the sentiment behind that, but it has never completely sat well within me to think of it that way. I’ve been thinking a lot about these so-called “personality brands” and see more harm than good in taking that approach to a business, be it in media or otherwise. To say, “My show is about me” is narcissistic and sets a negative tone from the outset.

I view hosting a podcast more along the lines of a party I attended recently to honor the retired music director of the church I attended for several years. The party was at the home of a rather wealthy member of the choir, and while everyone was there enjoying good food and fellowship, we hardly saw anything of the hosts. They were happy to be in the background while their guests ate and chatted with each other, even doing a bit of informal networking. The party was at the home of this lovely couple, but it certainly wasn’t about them. It was all about honoring a man who’s earned a good deal of honor, and to a slightly lesser extent providing an enjoyable evening for their guests.

So when I think about the question, “What’s my podcast about?” I’m thinking something along the lines of what experience do I want to provide? Both to my guests as well as to those who listen in. In the case of the This Is What We C.R.A.V.E. podcast, I want people to think about how to benefit from the power of Community, showing Respect to others, having a sense of Adventure and creativity in whatever we undertake, approaching our lives with Vojdaan or consciousness, and relying on the Energy given to us by our Creator to do all of the above.

I think that’s a bit more profound and honest than, “My show is about me.” And for the time being, I’m going to just stick with, “My show is about whatever we’re talking about today” whenever I’m asked, “What’s your show about?”

To subscribe to the This Is What We C.R.A.V.E. podcast, here’s the link to do so: https://jamesdnewcomb.com/podcast