What I’m doing on International Podcasters Day

I’m told today is “International Podcasters Day”.

Or maybe it’s “International Podcast Day”; I guess I really don’t know. I’m never been one to fall for silly gimmicks like Father’s Day, Columbus Day, Christmas and the like.

But hey, if a few podcasters and the businesses that support them can profit from it, more power to ’em.

Specifically what I did today is I waited 8 hours for one of my client’s super slow internet to transfer some files via dropbox so I can edit his show this afternoon.

I produced a couple of episodes for another client who’s been out of action for awhile and is getting back on the horse – and invoiced with my thumbs on the scales for the trouble.

I produced an episode of my hobby show called Trumpet Dynamics – and in so doing suffered through another person’s editing work. Same guy I mentioned earlier this week. His work was passable this time – sort of.

I tried to find materials around the property where I’m staying so I could build a better bridge over the marsh where I hurt my hand last week. No luck, but have some ideas on how to make it work.

And now I’m typing out this email while I still have a bit of functionality in my brain.

So I guess it’s to no one’s surprise that this day is more or less like any other day of my life. “It’s been a day” as they say.

And nothing more.