Trumpet for old guys

It’s no secret that our bodies, our minds, our perspectives in life change as we age. Yet we often believe that what we learned about playing trumpet while we were in our teens and early twenties will continue to work as we get older.

Maybe it’s because we heard something in a masterclass and decided this is the way to do it. Or we attended a certain school where certain dogmas regarding trumpet playing prevailed, even overshadowing individual needs of the player.

This was more or less the impetus of Paul Baron and Bobby Medina beginning first a Facebook targeted at older players, and then eventually becoming a full-fledged training regimen called Trumpet Diagnostics. I wanted to pick the brains of the founders of the program about their experiences working with older players, and what they aim to achieve with their program.

Thankfully we were able to get all three of us on a Zoom call from various parts of the U.S. and talk about their program.

Check out the newest episode of the Trumpet Dynamics podcast here: