Think on less things

This morning I got an email that is the type of email that I don’t enjoy receiving. The client had a complaint about their episode that went live this morning. It is an issue that has happened in the past, and it happened again today. That’s never fun when you strive for things to go smoothly every time. Of course you know that things are bound to go awry every now and then, that’s just part of life. But when things happen repeatedly, then it’s not just annoying, but it reflects poorly on me as the entrepreneur.

The issue is that the episode was scheduled for 5:00 PM rather than 5:00 AM. We had dealt with this on this particular show before, so I was myft that we were dealing with it again. No one’s fault but my own mind you, so I was just kicking myself reading this email after it had just happened last week.

Then it occurred to me that this particular fellows website for some reason has the option to choose a.m. or p.m. for the scheduling time. All WordPress websites, all podcast hosts that I have used until now have always used the 24 hour time, so that you don’t have this confusion of whether or not it’s going to publish it 5:00 AM or 5:00 PM. It’s actually really useful if you think about it. But for some reason these tech companies feel the need to constantly update their product, which in my mind is akin to fixing something that ain’t broke. 

So I put my two heads together, and gave it some thought. I can either add this to the checklist of publishing an episode to make sure that a.m. is selected rather than p.m., or I can see if I can change it to the 24 hour clock in the settings. And indeed, we were able to do so, so I am confident that this will fix this particular problem.

There’s so many things to think about in this teche era in which we live. I’ve been reading a lot about the founders of the United States, and the colonies that preceded the formation of this nation. Those folks didn’t have to worry about scheduling a blog post for a.m. or p.m. I have to imagine Thomas Jefferson would not have done too well with these various options to choose from, when he was busy thinking about the ideals articulated in the declaration of independence. 

Give yourself less to think about, not more. More to think about I have learned means more ways that things can go amiss with whatever you’re doing. The simpler the better, especially when you’re juggling many things in your life at one time. Be it family, business, church, work, whatever the case may be. 

In my business, and in upcoming promotion of the business, I have decided to focus solely on audio production. I would rather be able to crush one thing and be able to service many people doing that one thing then try to fancy myself as the proverbial jack of all trades, and master of none. It keeps things simple, predictable. It allows I and my team to get into a flow and not have it interrupted by extraneous things such as video, graphic design, etc. Which is not to say that these things are not valuable, or necessary, it’s just that I have realized that I am best served to myself, those who I employ, and my clients by excelling at one thing only. 

So if you’re thinking of getting into the audio production game, now it’s never been a better time to do so. Those Talking Heads on the boot tube aren’t going to change their ways anytime soon. So stop expecting them too. Get out there and share what you believe to be true with the world. We will help you on the technical side of things. Go to this link to check out what we’re about.