The race for relevance

Those of you who follow this newsletter know that I’m a spiritual man. In fact, the emails that have an overtly religious theme in the subject line are overwhelmingly the most opened emails, and there’s not a close second, so I can see where I’m striking a nerve with these things.

In that spirit, I interviewed a very sweet lady named Frederica Mathewes-Green who recently published a book titled, Two Views of the Cross: Orthodoxy and the West. Last month I published an interview with a fellow who embraced Orthodox Christianity after an entire adult life with the Protestant ways and traditions. That interview made me want to learn more about Orthodox Christianity, and Frederica’s book was one of the one’s I discovered.

And I was thrilled when Frederica said she would be down to do an interview for the podcast!

Among the things Frederica and I talked about is how so many churches are competing with one another to be considered “relevant” by society. That has always seemed like a losing battle to me, but maybe that’s just me. I’ve always thought that one is better off standing for what they believe in, stomp on any eggshells others place in front of them, and let the chips fall where they may.

At any rate, that is just one of the many topics Frederica and I covered in our wide-ranging interview, just published this morning. The link to listen in is below.