“The Market” doesn’t need me

Something that I often ask people that are guests on my podcast is a question along the lines of,  “What need in the market did you see that motivated you to write this book?” Or it could be an album, a blog, whatever the case may be

It’s a fair question I believe, and it puts the person on the spot in some ways. It perhaps makes them a bit uncomfortable. If that’s the case, that’s a good thing. It makes for good radio.

But I have come to realize that the question is a bit redundant in some ways for the following reason. Sometimes people write a book or publish a podcast not because the so-called “market” has a dying need for it. They do it because they have a need for it.

I don’t do my This Is What We C.R.A.V.E. podcast, because there’s an overwhelming need for another podcast. I do it because this is what I do. I do it to fill a void in my own life, my own soul, my own spirit. Meaning if I don’t do this, there’s something missing in my life.

Now I do it in such a way that I want to monetize it. I want to make it attractive and listenable for people who have some of the same interests, the same values, the same aspirations in their lives as I do. But at the end of the day, I do the show for me.

I bring on guests that pique my curiosity. I discuss topics that fill a void in my own life, my own understanding of the world. That is the basis of my show, even this email you’re reading. Everything I publish is answering a question that I have, and in such a way that it’s going to appeal to others who might be asking the same questions.

So if someone writes a book about business or sound business principles, is it really meeting a need in the marketplace? Probably not. “The market” doesn’t have a pressing need for another book about business. But for someone who is looking to make a name for themself in the world, a book with their name on it as the author has proven to be rather useful. They’ll talk about business in a way they view it. That right there makes it unique, unless they’re copying someone else’s ideas and trying to pass them off as their own. That will only get a would be entrepreneur so far.

In some ways, the entrepreneur is their own market. They are meeting their own need with their book or with their podcast.

“The market” doesn’t have a dying need what I’m saying for it to survive. The market will continue to operate with or without me, or without what I have to say.

Does this mean I won’t ask this of my guests? Of course not, because it makes for good radio!

But there I go again with my self-serving ways 🙂

If you want to check out an episode or 5 of my new show, I’m happy with what has become of it in its fledgling days. Here’s the link to check it out: https://jamesdnewcomb.com/podcast