Receiving credit AND criticism when it’s due

Sometimes the biggest credit to our character is the ability to receive criticism and make wise decisions in light of it.

We’re more than willing to take credit for favorable outcomes. But what happens when things don’t turn out well? That’s when the criticism is doled out heavily.

The San Francisco 49ers lost the Super Bowl in overtime, and afterward the players said they didn’t understand the overtime rules – that their coaches failed to inform them.

The coaches swore up and down there was a plan of action in place in the event the game went into overtime.

I almost felt sorry for the 49ers for losing the game the way they did, but not after hearing about that. And it turns out the Chiefs were rock solid in their preparation for every possible outcome of the game.

So maybe the more deserving team really won?

These people are paid millions of dollars to play a pretty basic game, but they say on the record they don’t know the rules of their own game? That it’s their coaches fault they lost for not properly educating them?

Sorry, I’m not buying it. It sounds like a bunch of sore losers acting like, well, losers.

I’m dealing with a person right now who is quick to point out a problem, but not so quick to embrace potential solutions I offer. They’ve got it made up in their mind their way is the right way, and is quick to criticize for suggesting anything other than their solution.

That’s not criticism I’m willing to accept.

What I will accept is criticism from people who’ve walked the road I’m on, who know the right way of doing things and in a spirit of love offer correction to mistakes I make.

All the armchair quarterbacks out there can sit there and munch on their Cheetos for all I care. Their opinion of me doesn’t mean a whole lot.

But someone who’s been in the trenches, has fought the same fight I’m fighting, you’d better believe I’m open to what they have to say – if they’re generous enough to say anything at all.

It’s not like a person is obligated to give advice just because I ask for it.