Enter your email address and receive instant access to an audio and e-book I wrote on the topic of Ikigai, a Japanese word that refers to the intersection of passion and purpose in finding our life's calling.

Made by Jesus, not the mafia

By James Newcomb | May 10, 2021 | Comments Off on Made by Jesus, not the mafia

I’m a bit excited about this. I’ve mentioned before I started a new podcast called The Committed a while back. Well, this morning the first episode with a guest went live, and it got things going the right way. It features Robert Borelli, an ex-mafioso who became a devoted Christian while in prison, and later…

People who work with buyers, not tryers

By James Newcomb | May 9, 2021 | Comments Off on People who work with buyers, not tryers

What’s the difference between a “buyer” and a “tryer”? A buyer is someone who means business, and is ready to commit to making a purchase. Sure they may want to test it out before swiping the credit card, but it’s a no-nonsense approach. A tryer is subscribed to dozens of marketers lists, listens to as…

One strike and you’re out

By James Newcomb | May 6, 2021 | Comments Off on One strike and you’re out

In the summer of 2017, I interviewed Manny Laureano, principal trumpeter with the Minnesota Orchestra (one of the best in the U.S. if you’re not familiar with them). One thing Manny said that has stuck with me years later is when he was describing the mindset it takes to perform at an elite level, as…

Respect, but don’t be in awe

By James Newcomb | May 4, 2021 | Comments Off on Respect, but don’t be in awe

Everyone you encounter is worthy of your respect. Your craft is worthy of your respect. But don’t be in awe of another person, nor your craft. By doing so, you make yourself unworthy of the person and/or whatever it is you’re doing. Be respectful of everyone, but don’t allow yourself to be overly impressed with…

The real reason my wife became my wife

By James Newcomb | May 3, 2021 | Comments Off on The real reason my wife became my wife

I’m going to be frank for a moment. (Then I’ll go back to being James, cue trap set.) I married up. To this day, I’m not 100% certain why my wife Sana married a guy like me. She’s educated, sophisticated, humble, submissive, was taught how to be a decent person – thanks to her mother…