Enter your email address and receive instant access to an audio and e-book I wrote on the topic of Ikigai, a Japanese word that refers to the intersection of passion and purpose in finding our life's calling.

Nothing is ever “strictly business”…

By James Newcomb | June 15, 2021 | Comments Off on Nothing is ever “strictly business”…

“Tom, don’t let anybody kid you. It’s all personal, every bit of business.” –Michael Corleone I’ve been on a bit of a Godfather kick the last couple of weeks, as my research into a project I’m working on incorporates many themes of the novel/movie into it. Until a week or so ago, I hadn’t read…

Welcome to Authentic City: Pop. Innumerable

By James Newcomb | June 14, 2021 | Comments Off on Welcome to Authentic City: Pop. Innumerable

I had an interview today that was slightly different from most interviews I do. I was the one being interviewed, and the topic was Bát Tràng, a village near where Sana and I live that has literally hundreds of craft pottery shops, a museum, places to make your own pottery, etc. You should do a Duck Duck…

Quit Being So Dang Agreeable

By James Newcomb | June 13, 2021 | Comments Off on Quit Being So Dang Agreeable

I recently had a dialogue via Voxer with my colleague, Jim Lambie, who recently took over the hosting duties for the Musicpreneur podcast. Jim recently did an interview with a fellow named Danny Ziemann, who has made a bit of a name for himself as one who specializes in the business side of music. And…

The health advocates sometimes are the least healthy people

By James Newcomb | June 10, 2021 | Comments Off on The health advocates sometimes are the least healthy people

My day job as a podcast editor and producer can be a bit strange at times. Take yesterday, when Mandi “The Show Notes Girl” and I were editing a couple of episodes of a show called “Superhumanize” hosted by my friend Ariane Sommer. The first show was a guy who has made something of a…

I post myself taking Zinc supplements on Instagram – so others can feel safe

By James Newcomb | June 9, 2021 | Comments Off on I post myself taking Zinc supplements on Instagram – so others can feel safe

Remember when Facebook felt like a grown-up version of MySpace? Then LinkedIn kind of became the grown up version of Facebook. Then Instagram came along and became…I still don’t know what to make of it to be honest. I’ve tried posting on it, but the puerile stuff I see others posting is kind of a…