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Singers In the Hands of An Angry Mob

By James Newcomb | June 23, 2021 | Comments Off on Singers In the Hands of An Angry Mob

A short time ago, I heard of a composer named Daniel Elder who has thus far survived an attempted career assassination. His crime? A single Instagram post that condemned the burning of the Nashville court house just a few blocks from where he resides. Maybe the face masks were constricting oxygen and people couldn’t think…

The major value of the minor leagues

By James Newcomb | June 21, 2021 | Comments Off on The major value of the minor leagues

Every now and then I get approached by people who want themselves or someone they know to be on Ben Greenfield’s podcast. If you’re not familiar with the name, Ben Greenfield is a legit guru in the world of health and fitness, and his show is listened to by tens of thousands of rabid followers…

Just because you listen to Ben Greenfield don’t make you Ben Greenfield

By James Newcomb | June 20, 2021 | Comments Off on Just because you listen to Ben Greenfield don’t make you Ben Greenfield

I recently had a friendly chat with my friend, and previous podcast guest Beth Peroutka. Beth, if you recall, told the story of how she had to quit her promising career as a trumpeter because of an awful injury to her lip while in her doctoral studies. She eventually became a fitness and health expert…

New social platform leads to legit gig

By James Newcomb | June 18, 2021 | Comments Off on New social platform leads to legit gig

I’ve been talking a bit about a new social media platform called Social Lair. I’ve distanced myself from social media as of late – although it never really served a good purpose for me in the first place. Then when I began to become aware of the privacy concerns, the addictive nature, how the major…

Anti-social media mob hits sacred music composer

By James Newcomb | June 16, 2021 | Comments Off on Anti-social media mob hits sacred music composer

I just heard about a fellow named Daniel Elder. He’s a composer based in Nashville, TN who caught some heat for an Instagram post. “Caught some heat” doesn’t really do it justice. He was blackballed from his profession – because he essentially said that setting fire to the local courthouse maybe isn’t the best way…