Enter your email address and receive instant access to an audio and e-book I wrote on the topic of Ikigai, a Japanese word that refers to the intersection of passion and purpose in finding our life's calling.

Eggs and Agony

By James Newcomb | May 15, 2022 | Comments Off on Eggs and Agony

Often times when Sana and I are chilling out on the couch, or on FaceTime when I am away, we will talk about a fictional or perhaps not so fictional business that we will operate together. Usually the discussion is centered around a restaurant, or maybe a coffee shop that is also a reading room,…

Sometimes you need to amaze yourself

By James Newcomb | May 5, 2022 | Comments Off on Sometimes you need to amaze yourself

What we’re capable of and what we settle for are radically different. When you’re a kid and you’re asked, what do you want to be when you grow up? You say you want to be a fireman, an astronaut, a deep sea diver, things like that. Kids are rather bold that way. My son for…

I get by with a little help from my podcast editor

By James Newcomb | May 2, 2022 | Comments Off on I get by with a little help from my podcast editor

Today I was working on an episode for one of our podcast editing clients. The client recorded an introduction to the episode separate from the interview, and when I listened to the introduction he recorded, I realized he had forgot to set his computer up so that it would pick up the studio mic, not…

When nature calls, it doesn’t use voicemail

By James Newcomb | April 27, 2022 | Comments Off on When nature calls, it doesn’t use voicemail

When I was a younger man than I am now, I had as sturdy a bladder as the next guy. Now that I’ve grown a bit older, it’s not quite the strength and fortitude that I once had to hold it in.  Road trips these days can be a bit interesting. For example, I drove…

The root cause of writer’s block

By James Newcomb | April 18, 2022 | Comments Off on The root cause of writer’s block

I’m having a really hard time thinking what to write at the moment. How many times have you been down that road? I have found that writers block often comes from getting started. There have been times where I have a thought in my head that is more or less the meat and potatoes of…