Enter your email address and receive instant access to an audio and e-book I wrote on the topic of Ikigai, a Japanese word that refers to the intersection of passion and purpose in finding our life's calling.

The race for relevance

By James Newcomb | June 28, 2023 | Comments Off on The race for relevance

Those of you who follow this newsletter know that I’m a spiritual man. In fact, the emails that have an overtly religious theme in the subject line are overwhelmingly the most opened emails, and there’s not a close second, so I can see where I’m striking a nerve with these things. In that spirit, I…

Imma gonna kick you out of that nest

By James Newcomb | June 26, 2023 | Comments Off on Imma gonna kick you out of that nest

A recent conversation with a new podcast production client led me to this video showing a mother and father eagle teaching its baby how to fly. I had always heard about how eagles will push their babies out of the nest so they’re forced to teach themselves how to fly. What I didn’t understand until…

No one wants a wannabe

By James Newcomb | June 23, 2023 | Comments Off on No one wants a wannabe

Awhile back I featured the great John Lee Dumas on the This Is What We C.R.A.V.E. podcast. Among the things we discussed was how John’s massive financial success with his podcast in the 2013-14 timeframe caused people to (erroneously as it turned out) assume that having a podcast was the secret sauce to making gobs…

Who’s at fault?

By James Newcomb | June 19, 2023 | Comments Off on Who’s at fault?

Who do you get mad at when you realize you’ve believed something that is either blatantly false or you’ve been misled in some way? Do you get angry at the person who misled you? Or do you get angry at yourself for believing the falsehood or the lie without really questioning anything? I guess both…

My own Covid horror stories

By James Newcomb | June 15, 2023 | Comments Off on My own Covid horror stories

My friend Tom Woods is publishing a book containing stories shared by his followers about their experiences living through the Covid lockdowns and attempted transformation of how human beings interact with one another. Although I can’t say I suffered any true hardship, I did have some interesting experiences I’ve been wanting to put into writing.…