One strike and you’re out

In the summer of 2017, I interviewed Manny Laureano, principal trumpeter with the Minnesota Orchestra (one of the best in the U.S. if you’re not familiar with them).

One thing Manny said that has stuck with me years later is when he was describing the mindset it takes to perform at an elite level, as he has for several decades throughout his career.

“One strike and you’re out,” he said.

A statement like that seems kind of shocking in our culture in which one is seemingly allowed as many “mistakes” as they want with no real consequences. That breeds an entitlement mentality, and flies in the face of the reality in which most people reading this newsletter have embraced and accepted.

“Does this mean you’ll be fired if you make a mistake?” I asked, trying to get clarity on what he said.

“No,” he replied. “But if you have a mindset where mistakes are not allowed – but allow them when they inevitably occur – you’re far less likely to be in danger of losing your job.”

Honestly, I don’t remember exactly what Manny said. But that’s the gist of it. And since he has been at this performing game far longer than I have, I tend to listen to him 🙂

Fear is not a good motivator. I think we all agree on that. But when your personal standards are higher than what is expected of you by an employer, you’ll be among the last to be shown the door when cuts are made.

At any rate, Manny’s interview, along with 20 or so other interviews with top-notch, world-class performers, is available on the mobile app I’ve been pestering you with for the last several months.

Just a few clicks with your mouse, and you’ll be able to access this course, as well as the many other offerings available.

And there will be much more to follow!

To access the course, click this link.

James Newcomb