I post myself taking Zinc supplements on Instagram – so others can feel safe

Remember when Facebook felt like a grown-up version of MySpace?

Then LinkedIn kind of became the grown up version of Facebook.

Then Instagram came along and became…I still don’t know what to make of it to be honest. I’ve tried posting on it, but the puerile stuff I see others posting is kind of a drawback.

Take the other day, I came across a young gal playing bassoon with a face mask on. The mask had a little flap where the mouth is, which she could pull down whenever she needs to play her bassoon, and then put it back up while she’s not playing so that she can STOP THE SPREAD of Covid.

Such virtue!

The comments were varied. A lot of people said she looked ridiculous; others said that a flap that opens basically defeats the purpose of having a face mask in the first place.

Still others said things along the lines of, “She’s making people feel safe by wearing that mask” or words to that effect.

It seems to me that by following that logic, we should all post videos of activities that actually prevent the spread of a virus like Covid – versus wearing a mask which even Dr. Fauci says does little, if anything, to prevent the spread of any virus.

Things like taking a walk in the sunshine. Getting adequate sleep. Taking Zinc or Magnesium supplements. Having a prayer and/or gratitude practice.

All of the above are scientifically proven to boost the immune system. Would posting videos like that make others feel safe?

Maybe, maybe not. It’s not as visually stimulating as a flap mask, though. And that’s what gets likes on Instagram.

It’s also why I’ve basically shunned social media for the last couple of years. I see videos posted of professional musicians wearing face masks while performing Quiet City, and I just feel like saying, “You need to leave, the adults need to talk now.”

It’s why people who take life seriously take social media with a grain of salt. You know there are drawbacks, but you work with what you’ve got so you can make a living.

Nothing wrong with that.

But now that I’ve discovered the newly released Social Lair, it’s where I’ll be spending my time on social media. It’s created by people who are seriously good marketers, who take privacy very seriously, and are essentially scratching their own itch by creating it.

I’m taking in a few folks in my own “Lair” so I can get the hang of it, learn how it works, etc. A couple have responded to my invite yesterday, and the offer is still good to anyone who wants to join me.

Just send me an email, let me know you want in and I’ll hook you up.