I already blew my new years resolution

I made a new years resolution to send an email to my list every single day of 2024.

I make the same new years resolution every single year. And fall well short of it every time.

Guess I should just give up, buy myself a bottle of Jack and binge watch Friends on Netflix.

I’ve written before my thoughts on so-called new years resolutions. The way I see it, if you resolve to do such and such thing beginning on a certain date – before the certain date has occurred – you’ve already lost.

Let’s say someone resolves on Christmas Day to go to the gym beginning January 1. In my mind, they’ve already lost. By the time January 1 comes around, you’ve already set a precedent of procrastination.

That one week may not seem like a lot, but it is.

I personally have made lots of June 22 resolutions, September 13 resolutions, February 29 resolutions. Some I’ve kept, some I’ve not. That’s just the way those things go.

Getting back to my 2024 new years resolution. I missed January 1, which I excused because I was on the road all day driving from Virginia to Minnesota. It’s okay, I thought. I’ll get some rest then get back to it in earnest on Tuesday. Got that one sent, and all was well.

Then yesterday, I missed another email.

Not exactly batting 1.000 here am I.

But I don’t sweat it. I don’t go on social media virtue signaling about my so-called resolutions, nor do I give myself 39 lashes with a wet noodle when I fail.

I just get back up and get back to it.

It’s really the only way to do it.

Keep the drama to a minimum.