#036 Ancient Christianity, Why There Are So Many Churches, and Why Our Search for Truth Should Never Cease with Gary Greenfield

What is the difference between the Church as established by Jesus Christ and the many “Christian organizations” who meet every Sunday and sing Christian songs?

What if I were to tell you those “Christian organizations” who call themselves “churches” such as the local Presbyterian, Baptist, Roman Catholic, AOG and the endless storefront wannabe ministries were actually heretics rebelling against the ways and protocols of the Church as established by our Lord?

That might be a bit harsh and something of a stretch, but according to our guest Gary Greenfield, it’s closer to the truth than many modern Christians would be comfortable admitting.

In today’s episode, you’ll hear the story of a man on a search for truth – but didn’t find it until enjoying a providential beer and cigar in a coffee shop in Idaho where Gary met a man who introduced him to a world he “instantly knew was the truth.”

Strong words, especially for someone who was past middle age and had spent his entire adulthood surrounded by the most devout of Christians.

But that’s Vojdaan: advocating for truth, especially when no one else seems to acknowledge it as such.

In this discussion with Gary, you’ll hear:

-Gary’s early experience in the Roman Catholic church, which led to a spiritual crisis in his early 20’s…04:00

-The moment Gary discovered a true relationship with Jesus at the age of 21…13:30

-A sense of emptiness in the church experience, in spite of being firmly ensconced in the American church lifestyle…16:00

-The moment Gary broke away from the Protestant church, after years of fighting an inner conflict regarding the protocols of his home congregation…25:00

-Discovering “Ancient Christianity” while enjoying a beer and cigar at a coffee house in Moscow, ID…31:05

-Examining the roots of division within the church from the earliest days of its history…36:00

-What is the difference between “modern day teachings” and a personal commentary published by an individual on a spiritual matter…44:00

-Unique aspects of the Ancient Christian worship experience…47:00

-How the Ancient Orthodox experience has affected Gary’s life for the better over the years…55:00

-And much more!

Resources mentioned:

Church of the GOC in America

Gary’s water purification business

Audiobook of the Month Club:

Join my new club! It’s an audiobook released every month, along with regular discussions with other community members. It’s not quite ready to go as of the time of this writing, but it’s in the works, and I’ll be announcing updates to the program here on the podcast soon!

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