There’s no school like the old school

One of my favorite resources for learning interviewing skills is the old late-night talk shows, hosted by the likes of Johnny Carson, David Letterman (in the 80’s when he was funny), Dick Cavett and the like. There’s just something about that era of television that makes the late night shows of today cringeworthy by comparison.…

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I already blew my new years resolution

I made a new years resolution to send an email to my list every single day of 2024. I make the same new years resolution every single year. And fall well short of it every time. Guess I should just give up, buy myself a bottle of Jack and binge watch Friends on Netflix. I’ve…

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We have got the perfect life

One of my all-time favorite musical albums is Steven Wilson’s Hand. Cannot. Erase. Wilson’s music is what you would call “progressive rock”, which essentially means rock in mixed meters when you get right down to it. The storyline of the album is loosely based on the tragic story of a young woman named Joyce Vincent…

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Double stack and water

That’s what I order anytime I go to Wendy’s. Now they have the $5 Biggie Bag, so now I’m able to get fries and a Coke with my double stack if I want. It’s interesting how these fast food restaurants create all these elaborate concoctions with their burgers, salads and what not. But what people…

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How James and Sana really met

This Far Side cartoon is basically how Sana and I met. Interesting how two people who are meant for each other just know it when they see it. Kind of like a podcast host and producer. You know I’m a nerd; if you’re a nerd too, and are looking for some nerdy advice in getting…

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Send in the reinforcements [Far Side Friday]

In today’s Far Side cartoon, we see a giant, maniacal clown threatening to take over the entire city. Meanwhile brave defenders of the land are ready to launch a giant pie to prevent the dastardly clown from carrying out his foul purposes. What does this have to do with this email newsletter? Nothing, except perhaps…

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The cook always goes down with the ship

In today’s Far Side cartoon, we see several things happening: A disaster has befallen an ocean liner somewhere in the middle of the ocean. The people who’ve managed to escape on a life raft are really bad at optimizing available space. The captain has a conspicuous lack of Vojdaan. He has evidently convinced the cook it is…

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I don’t want to live your dream

This is a true story. Today I was scrolling on Facebook and happened to see a particular trumpet being sold. This is a really rare, vintage model trumpet that is played by the one and only Chris Botti, who you may remember me humble bragging about interviewing a few months back here on the newsletter.…

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How to move a cube

Sana and I were out to lunch the other day (literally eating lunch outside our home, not lost in la la land) and the topic of business came up, specifically how certain business “get it right” when it comes to being profitable. You build community within your customer base; a sense of purpose in shopping…

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