#047 “To Hell With War!” My Reading of War Is a Racket by Maj. General Smedley Butler [audiobook]

Today I play for you my recording of War Is a Racket by Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler.

War Is a Racket was an important piece of literature for me about a decade ago while I was wrestling with my conscience as a member of the military. For some reason, I knew something was “off” about what I was doing, even a seemingly innocuous position as a military musician.

But General Butler’s short pamphlet helped clarify a lot of what I was feeling inside and did a great deal to clarify my decision to ultimately leave the military.

I came across this pamphlet the other day, and thought I would just record it and share it with you.

Be warned: this book contains a good deal of cynicism, albeit from one who has earned the right to be critical of war in general, and the U.S. military in particular. I say this because I strongly believe in the Law of Attraction, meaning that which we put our focus ultimately becomes our reality.

It is easy to read or listen to something of this nature and become pessimistic. That is not my intention at all in sharing this. My hope is that you’ll become educated, and like General Butler, come up with your own creative solutions to the problem of war-profiteering.

And what a problem it is.

Here are a few highlights you’ll hear in the audiobook:

-Opening remarks from James Newcomb…01:00

-Chapter 1: War Is a Racket…07:32

-Chapter 2: Who Makes the Profits…14:55

-Chapter 3: Who Pays the Bills….27:22

-Chapter 4: How to Smash This Racket!…35:36

-Chapter 5: To Hell With War!…41:52

I hope you enjoy listening, and if you feel inclined, feel free to send me a note about it. james@jamesdnewcomb.com

One more thing: If you’d like a PDF version of War Is a Racket, I’ve prepared it with my business JNS Media’s packaging. Just visit my website at https://jamesdnewcomb.com or email me with your request, and I’ll get it over to you right away.

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