To know what to play, you have to know what to say

Last night Sana and I were having  little brainstorming session to plan a concert we want to perform at various locales around the U.S. and beyond. Nothing special, more of a “wish list” type of thing. We decided on a certain theme, then set out to list some of the things we both know and…

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A multi-millionaire remembered THIS about me

In June 2016, I made a rather large investment into myself as a podcaster. The great, and mysterious John Lee Dumas had just launched one of his journals, and one of the perks of his Kickstarter campaign was a “Day with JLD”. I’m not going to disclose exactly how many US Dollars I paid, but…

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The liver and onions truck is coming!

One of the two remaining benefits of having a Facebook account (Messenger being the other) is being able to laugh hysterically at old Far Side cartoons by the great Gary Larson. There are more than a few groups dedicated to The Far Side, and it’s even inspired Gary Larson to create a few new comics,…

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A two-year trek down I-95

A couple of months ago I picked up a terrific book titled “Blood and Treasure.” It’s a biography of the great American frontiersman and explorer, settler, etc. Daniel Boone. Something that I read in this book that really stuck out to me was how Boone’s family relocated from Pennsylvania to North Carolina when he was…

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What would the Rockefellers do?

Got a hot new podcast thrown through the sausage factory and published super early this morning. I was tossing and turning at about 3 am, so I decided rather than futile efforts at sleeping, may as well get some work done. Today’s episode of the Gone Newclear podcast features financial adviser Sarry Ibrahim of  Sarry has helped…

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I believe in Sensitive and Kind Men…

I believe in the mystical men who believe in themselves. I believe in men who seek temperance and peace inside them. I believe in men poets, dreamers, magicians, writers, alchemists, artists, teachers, and angels. I believe in men who like to dance and sing and make life a celebration. I believe in men who embrace…

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This blog post will kill the Covid-19 virus

Sana and I saw something that made us laugh the other day. Someone was throwing out some cleaning wipes in the trash can, and we happened to notice the side of the box said, “Kills the Covid-19 Virus” or words to that effect. So Covid is now used as a selling point for cleaning products.…

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Be a thermostat, not a thermometer

My son Gabriel and I watched the most recent movie going by the title Journey to the Center of the Earth this past weekend. It was actually really entertaining. I’d never seen any movies based on the novel, nor have I read the novel, but it kind of made me want to do both. The premise basically…

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Why we use precious metals to ID our offerings

From James and Sana: We were sitting down one day to begin creating the packages we’re able to offer our clients for podcast production, coaching, social media management, email coaching and what not. Sana suggested we use precious metals to identify each package we offer. It’s typical for businesses such as ours to label each…

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