You’ll never get polished if you can’t stand the rub.

Recently my wife and I were having a discussion with a friend of ours about some of the challenges that we have encountered with her resident visa (which thankfully is finished processing and we’re getting ready to depart Vietnam and relocate to the United States permanently.) We were discussing some of the challenges that have…

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I just wanted everyone to be happy…

Early in my podcasting career, I made a bit of a blunder in a situation that had to do with a guest of my show who was not happy with the decision that I had made on the production end of an episode he was featured in. I will call this disgruntled guest “Unhappy Jazz…

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Can’t see two feet in front of me

“As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.” –Rumi How many of us can say that we know exactly what our destination will be when we set out to do something? I have heard so many times the analogy of the airline pilot knowing the destination of where his flight is going.…

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Anyone can change their own oil

Interesting question came across a podcast editor’s group that I belong to on Facebook. The question was, how are things different here in 2022, going into 2023 regarding getting clients, and keeping clients. Is technology catching up with the humans, making yesterday’s essentials a necessity?  It’s a legit question. If you look at industries such…

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Missing the content forest for the idealistic trees

I recently had an email thread with a podcast production client who has been struggling as of late to put out new content. He’s been with us for about a year, and the first 9 months or so were solid, never missed a scheduled episode, and all was well. This past few months however have…

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Quit hating on Audacity already

Podcast editing has become a standalone industry in its own right. Not too long ago, it was something viewed with hidden contempt by sound engineers, something to pay the bills because, let’s face it, the skills of “sound engineers” aren’t exactly in high demand. But podcasting has become so popular, entire businesses are founded on…

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Do more, demand more

Power was out today at the home office, so I grabbed a book to read while I waited for it to come back on. The topic of “leadership” came up, and I read this doozy: Two critical traits of leadership: Always be willing to do more than you ask of those that follow you. Always demand more from…

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Practice makes better

A common misconception about the word “practice” is that it will eventually lead to perfection. This is simply not the case. I would argue that “perfection” isn’t even a desirable goal. People are not attracted to perfection, we’re attracted to sincere and well-meaning imperfection. This doesn’t mean we should slack off, or settle for anything…

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Airports sans face masks

Traveling to Vietnam today thru Wednesday, and I gotta say I really appreciate being able to see people’s faces again. It’s got this element of humanity I didn’t think I would miss until everything went down two years ago.   Sure there are a few holdouts who can’t seem to grasp that both germs and…

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