#019 You’re an Expert at WHAT?

The word “success” is pretty popular these days. With all of the opportunities to flaunt our lives on social media, or (ahem) podcasts, it’s easy to focus on the great things going on. We want to exude a facade of success: happy kids, happy lives, everything is going great.

Until it’s not.

My mom just shared with me a couple we both know are constantly sharing their amazing adventures with their children…and by the way have been divorced for 6 months.

Guess that didn’t make it onto the Facebook feed.

We’re so consumed with projecting our lives as “successful” we forget about the things that really matter. Things that may not get us on the cover of GQ or Vogue, but are all that matter when you’re 85 years old, reflecting on the life that was.

In this episode, I share a few anecdotes on this faux success, real-life examples from my career as a professional musician, and end on a call to ditch those temporal successes and focus on the inner man.

I also have a special offer for you: An audio recording of a classic book titled Success and Failure by an English gentleman named Robert Horton. Click here to listen, or download for future listening: https://jamesdnewcomb.com/success-failure (I think I said the PDF is available, but sadly it’s just the audio.)

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