#009 What Hill Are You Willing to Die On?

**This is a portion of an episode originally recorded with my wife Sana and published on the Ba Vojdaan podcast feed in September 2022.

What hill are you willing to die on?

You’ve probably heard that phrase used in various ways. And it means something that is so important to you, so vital to you that well, quite frankly, you are willing to, as the founding fathers of America said, sacrifice your life, your fortune and your sacred honor for this principle or for this ideal, for this thing that you believe wholeheartedly.

The hill you’re willing to die on should be the core theme of your podcast, your message, anything you do in life.

Because I guarantee you’re probably among the only people on the planet who feel the same way you do about that issue.

Others have their own “hill” they’re willing to die on, you have yours. Own that hill, and let others follow you!

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