#038 Bach and Negro Spirituals, Selecting Rep that Suits the Story, and Overcoming the Fear of Self-Promotion with Tamra Grace Jones

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When the music director of the church I attend told me about Tamra Jones’ upcoming concert, he was gushing forth with compliments. So I naturally wanted to make it a point to be at the event.

And come concert time, Tamra did not disappoint. The performance was stunning and virtuosic.

What I found fascinating was blending pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach – written nearly 400 years ago – with negro spirituals sung here in America in the 1800’s, and continue to be popular today.

So I wanted to get Tamra on a call and get her thoughts on how this unique combination of musical genres came about, and why they work so well!

We also touched on ways musicians can overcome the barriers when it comes to self-promotion, the vital need to choose a program that suits you rather than what is going to “wow” the audience, and much more.

Enjoy this episode!

In this discussion with Tamra, you’ll discover:

-The founding origins of mixing Bach with spirituals…03:00

-Tamra’s thoughts on managing applause with the gravitas of a particular program…06:00

-Tamra’s background as a musician and discovering her voice is a gift to share with others…08:00

-The importance of dynamic contrast in telling the story of a performance…12:00

-Balancing the ego with the storytelling element of being a performing artist…14:30

-Tamra describes the music scene in the Boston area…17:00

-Why musicians struggle so mightily in self-promoting their skills…19:00

-Marrying your musical chops with your personality in order to get gigs and align with your personal vision of success…24:30

-The dynamic of a devout Christian performing repertoire that is decidedly not Christian…26:30

-What makes Bach and spiritual work so well?…32:00

-Tamra’s perfect concert setting…34:45

About the guest:


Tamra Grace Jones deflects stereotypes as an artist, storyteller, soprano, producer, and fundraiser. These labels only apply to content and contexts simpatico with the mission and values of Ms. Jones.

For instance, she confronted quarantine through co-founding a monthly, YouTube, concert series (St. Mary’s Quarantine Series, SMQS). SMQS employed 15 local professionals and raised $3K for the Food Pantry. Her passion overflows in cultivating a thriving music community in her local neighborhood of Dorchester (Boston).

The current iteration produces locally-sourced, free-to-the-community concerts, not limited to classical or vocal rep. She delights in welcoming new audiences to the classical voice in creative ways. If she has a say, Spirituals will always be present at her performances. This love spurred the curation of “The Passion: told through Spirituals and Bach arias”.

Ms. Jones credits Bradley Williams and Jean Greer with her vocal development and the incomparable John Moriarty for mentorship beyond the coaching session. When not producing and performing in Dorchester, you might find Ms. Jones on the stage with the American Spiritual Ensemble, Upper Valley Baroque (NH), Boston Lyric Opera, Connecticut Lyric Opera, and venues vested in producing “The Passion” concert – usually churches.

Like most singers, Ms. Jones ran the circuit to compete and perform. Her competition accolades consist of as a finalist in the National Association of Teachers of Singing Artist Award, 2nd Preis at the Grandi Voci by Oper im Berg (Salzburg) and silver at the Vancouver International Music Competition, and 1st in the American Spirituals Contest.

Her roles include yet are not limited to Mother (Amahl and the Night Visitors), Rosalinde (Fledermaus), Carmen, (Carmen), Marguerite (Faust), and Siegrüne (Die Walküre). Ms. Jones selected the New England Conservatory for her Master’s degree. When enjoying the beautiful world around her, you may find Ms. Jones hiking with her English Bulldog, running, swimming and cycling around Boston, or baking up a storm for her friends and neighbors.

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