I just don’t need this gig

Funny how time and experience shifts our priorities in life. I’ve had a few jam sessions playing trumpet and cornet with a very talented pianist here in Hung Yen, Vietnam over the last couple of weeks. And I decided I would commit to doing a few concerts with him this summer and fall. What’s interesting is that…

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Rest to get ahead

I just read an interesting email from an online marketer I subscribe to. He was talking about the illusion of constantly working on one’s business, or job, or what have you. One of the people this person mentioned who preaches the need to work constantly is Gary Vaynerchuk I’m not a huge fan of Gary…

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What if failure was a success

Or better put, what if each failure contributed to overall success? Success and failure can be a bit deceiving when viewed on the surface. To take the illustration of the iceberg, which you see only a small portion above water. A man appears to be successful. Lots of money, nice cars, a beautiful woman at…

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Contrarian Easter thoughts from a contrarian Easter thinker

If someone were to ask me to define my religious leanings, I would most likely look at them like a calf looking at a new gate. Maybe it’s having been inside the religious sausage factory too long, but it’s rather difficult to explain. It might be easier to explain my own beliefs than to identify with…

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Fresh Out of Remorse at This Bakery

The apartment building where Sana and I live in EcoPark, just outside of Hanoi, Vietnam is rather busy. It has 5 running elevators to accommodate the thousand or so residents of the building. And at peak times during the day, they’re all rather busy. Including the freight elevator. The freight elevator is meant for people…

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