All I really need is a song in my heart

One of the great joys I’ve experienced, not just in the last few weeks being back in Virginia Beach, but throughout the last 7 years is my son Gabriel. He’s always been a joy to be around, listens well, has gone through a lot with the separation of his parents over the last 3+ years,…

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Why I have only 3 listeners

Something I like to do when I’m doing a podcast interview is to tell the person on the other end something along the lines of, “Don’t worry if you mess up, there’s only 3 people listening.” It’s meant to put people at ease, to just relax and be themselves and not be thinking about all…

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Comply or die

It’s good to be back in the good ole U.S. of A. I just spent seven months in Vietnam nurturing my relationship with my beautiful wife, and it was well worth it. We’re hopeful her visa will finally be approved and she’ll get over here before the end of 2021. I’ve got a few quarantine and…

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The Sinking Sands of the Maybe Desert

I am REALLY looking forward to getting back to the United States. I am NOT looking forward to being separated from my lovely bride, Sana, again, for an indefinite period of time, again. But we had much meaningful quality time together, not to mention the progress made on her visa application in the 7 months I was here. She knows…

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A mind-bending take on intellectual property

On Facebook today, I came across a post that made me do a bit of a double take. At first, I thought the person who made the comment was one of those dudes who’s got a full six-pack, but lacks the little plastic thing that holds it all together. The OP was someone who was…

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The impossible warmup

Many years ago, I listened to Wynton Marsalis’ recording of Grand Russian Fantasia. If you haven’t heard it, it’s okay. Let’s just say my 18 year old brain couldn’t comprehend how something so difficult could be played with such ease. Well, Wynton made it sound easy anyway. But I remember thinking, “That’s impossible, no way…

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How do you pronounce “epinephrine”?

Awhile back, I guess going on 2 years ago as I write this in July 2021, I received a voice message from Ben Greenfield’s executive assistant. Ben was putting the finishing touches on his mammoth book Boundless and they were in discussions about having it narrated in audio format. They had flirted with some of the…

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Covid killed my birthday cake

Today’s my birthday. Yay me. My wife Sana joked that for some reason my birthday is celebrated 3 days prior, and 3 days after the actual date. I don’t know about that, but I will say she’s better than I am at honoring the occasion. I’d just as soon eat a piece of cake, say…

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1-star is the new 3-star

There’s something that’s a big nuisance among bloggers, authors, podcasters, content creators in general. And that is when someone who’s having a bad day, or who feels entitled to be offended at anything and everything, or whatever the case may be, decides to leave a 1-star review for the show, book, podcast, blog, fill in…

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The easiest way possible to fail an audition

Last Thursday, I had a marathon series of interviews for the Trumpet Dynamics podcast. Full day of work producing clients podcasts, then 3 consecutive interviews between the hours of 8-11 pm. Then back to work Friday. Let it not be said I’m lazy. One thing that stuck out to me from all those conversations in…

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