What would this show be without the characters?

Imagine Batman without the Joker, or the Penguin, or any of the other villains in the comics and movies. Or Superman without Lex Luthor, or those three individuals with equal powers to Superman but who broke bad in their spirit and wished harm and destruction upon Planet Earth? How utterly boring would that be? It…

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15 minutes a day keeps the Quit Monster at bay

I remember when I was a young lad learning the craft of trumpet playing, I came across a quote from someone who isn’t well-known today but I guess had some sort of influence in his era, i.e. the 1960’s. I don’t remember the quote verbatim, but essentially it said, “Missing a day of practice is…

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Topys happen

One of the biggest adjustments for me personally when I began writing in a blogging, or conversational style was to quit stressing out over everything being perfect with spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. The vast majority of my writing until about 2015 was in an academic setting. So everything had to be dress right dress; conform…

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For immediate release: James and Sana were recently featured on a podcast titled Your Biggest Breakthrough, hosted by our friends Todd Isberner and Wendie Pett. During the interview, James and Sana recounted their first phone call, what it was like to fall in love with each other from a long distance, the first meeting, challenges…

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I’ve decommitted from committed

If you’ve followed my emails for awhile, you may recall me talking about naming my business Committed Media. It’s got a good back story. I was inspired to do it while at the Wyndham Garden Maximum Security Facility in Hanoi, Vietnam this past January. My wife Sana and I had just finished putting together the…

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The case for putting out bad content

Recently a client and dear friend reached out and said her episode for her show would be a little bit late on the recording. No problem, I replied. It happens. And it’s better to be a day late than miss a week entirely. So she got it done and sent a message to let me…

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Be the thermostat, not the thermometer

My son Gabriel and I watched the most recent movie going by the title Journey to the Center of the Earth this past weekend. It was actually really entertaining. I’d never seen any movies based on the novel, nor have I read the novel, but it kind of made me want to do both. The…

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My 7 year old son, the master negotiator (in training)

My son Gabriel is a legit video game addict. Perhaps it’s an escape for him from the constant drama between his parents. Or maybe he just is prone to enjoy video games over other things kids like. Whatever the case may be, he’s always playing his Switch, or his iPad, but he loves nothing more…

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Too smart for their own good

I remember in my early days of being a podcaster, someone who’s opinion I highly value personally recommended to me that I listen to a particular individual who had achieved a certain level of success in his own right doing his own show, running his own business, etc. So I tuned in for a few…

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