Quit hating on Audacity already

Podcast editing has become a standalone industry in its own right. Not too long ago, it was something viewed with hidden contempt by sound engineers, something to pay the bills because, let’s face it, the skills of “sound engineers” aren’t exactly in high demand. But podcasting has become so popular, entire businesses are founded on…

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Giving thought to our thoughts

This has been one heck of a crazy ride these last three years. I’ve been bouncing between Vietnam and Virginia (with a few trips to Minnesota to visit family just to keep things interesting); I’ve built a podcast production business from one client to several (mostly) satisfied clients and the roster continues to grow; I’ve…

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Do more, demand more

Power was out today at the home office, so I grabbed a book to read while I waited for it to come back on. The topic of “leadership” came up, and I read this doozy: Two critical traits of leadership: Always be willing to do more than you ask of those that follow you. Always demand more from…

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Practice makes better

A common misconception about the word “practice” is that it will eventually lead to perfection. This is simply not the case. I would argue that “perfection” isn’t even a desirable goal. People are not attracted to perfection, we’re attracted to sincere and well-meaning imperfection. This doesn’t mean we should slack off, or settle for anything…

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What I learned in my lesson with Bud Herseth

I know many folks that subscribe to this newsletter are not trumpeters, so allow me to give a bit of background on the name I mentioned in the headline of this email. Bud Herseth was among the greatest symphonic trumpeters ever. Like, in the world. Like since the beginning of time. And since symphonic trumpet…

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Airports sans face masks

Traveling to Vietnam today thru Wednesday, and I gotta say I really appreciate being able to see people’s faces again. It’s got this element of humanity I didn’t think I would miss until everything went down two years ago.   Sure there are a few holdouts who can’t seem to grasp that both germs and…

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Eggs and Agony

Often times when Sana and I are chilling out on the couch, or on FaceTime when I am away, we will talk about a fictional or perhaps not so fictional business that we will operate together. Usually the discussion is centered around a restaurant, or maybe a coffee shop that is also a reading room,…

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Sometimes you need to amaze yourself

What we’re capable of and what we settle for are radically different. When you’re a kid and you’re asked, what do you want to be when you grow up? You say you want to be a fireman, an astronaut, a deep sea diver, things like that. Kids are rather bold that way. My son for…

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I get by with a little help from my podcast editor

Today I was working on an episode for one of our podcast editing clients. The client recorded an introduction to the episode separate from the interview, and when I listened to the introduction he recorded, I realized he had forgot to set his computer up so that it would pick up the studio mic, not…

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