All I really need is a song in my heart

One of the great joys I’ve experienced, not just in the last few weeks being back in Virginia Beach, but throughout the last 7 years is my son Gabriel.

He’s always been a joy to be around, listens well, has gone through a lot with the separation of his parents over the last 3+ years, and is just an all-around good kid.

So I was driving around town with him a couple of weeks ago, and I decided to put on loop mode a song by Raffi, the great children’s song artist, titled “All I really need is a song in my heart.”

Here’s a youtube of it if you want to listen:

Well it turned out to be quite effective, as a few days later I was in a computer shop having my imac looked at to fix some bugs. He was in there with me, playing games on my iphone, and singing that tune over and over and over.

It was cuteness personified.

After about 10 minutes of him singing that tune on repeat, I finally asked, “Hey Gabriel, what do you really need?”

He replied, “Video games!”

Well, so much for that particular teachable moment. But I have to believe the message of the song has sunk into his inner consciousness – exactly as my devious plan intended all along, ha ha ha.

It kind of reminds me of how podcasters (yours truly included) often get wrapped up in everything but what we really need to be focusing on.

We don’t need a better intro, more pep in our voice, more this, less of that.

We need a compelling message that will change people’s lives for the better.

I’m not the world’s most charismatic person by any stretch, but I do the best I can with what I’ve been given. And it’s worked out okay for me thus far.

All the bells and whistles are fun and great, but without that message that reaches deep within the recesses of the heart of those tuning in, it’s all window dressing at the end of the day. Give me a poorly produced, boring voiced anything that has passion and integrity over a highly polished, finely tuned podcast, song, what have you that’s going by rote, doing things because everyone else is doing them.

That’s the way I view things anyway, and it’s what I share with those who ask for my advice. Thus far, I’ve limited my coaching services to people who pay me to produce their podcasts, but with the addition of some highly skilled help from people I trust implicitly to do the job right, I’m able to free up a bit more time to help a few others set and achieve their business and/or life goals.

If you want to discuss with me further, just reply to this email and I’ll respond asap.