Breaking News: Newcomb Starts New Podcast

If there is a more overused term in modern pop culture than “Breaking News”, I’d like to know what it is.

It seems that Donald Trump stubbing his toe is grounds for some of the most prominent news organizations to break out the bright red BREAKING NEWS banner in order to generate traffic to their website in order to peddle the trivial product ads placed on the article.

It is in that spirit that I announce I’ve started a new podcast.

Yes, I’ve started a lot of new podcasts over the years. One person who’s familiar with my work that I met at a recent trumpet conference even remarked on this.

I’m a creative mind; as such I get a lot of ideas.

I also act one those ideas. That can be a positive attribute, and also a negative.

At times I’ve acted on an idea impulsively without thinking through what is needed to make the idea profitable. This proclivity has not helped my image.

But when you’re called to do something, you do it, previous mistakes and misjudgments notwithstanding.

You’ve heard me recently announce a rebranding of my trumpet-themed show into a brand called Brass Mastery. That show is off to a great start and has been well-received by most if not all I’ve shared with it.

However, there are topics that go beyond music that are near and dear to my heart that I want to discuss – and give a platform for others to share what’s near and dear to their hearts.

And a podcast about brass instruments has its place, but just isn’t appropriate for these matters.

I’ve attempted to do something along these lines in the last 12-15 months, but for a variety of reasons, they just didn’t resonate with me personally.

So I decided to take a break and allow that great mentor named Silence to do her magic. This is part of the reason why I didn’t email you for so long; I just needed some time to sort through things internally and wait for clarity on what direction to go with my business endeavors.

Waiting isn’t something that comes easy, particularly in this modern era of instant gratification. But it was necessary, and I’m glad I did it.

So back to the podcast. Some very wise advice I received about podcasting years ago is to “make the show about you.” That sounds a little bit off-putting, as unless you’re an unapologetic narcissist, it’s unnatural to place one’s self in the limelight.

But you really can’t think and act that way if you’re going to be at the helm of any type of media endeavor. And I’ve realized through trial and error there is a way to make the show “about you” without making it “all about you.” There really is a fine line to that, and no AI bot can help you identify it. One must know where that line is for their specific situation.

So the name of my new show is Newcomb, With Love. It’s part a play on words from the tireless joke about how my last name sounds like Nuke’em as in the video game about some meathead commando type. You might think of the phrase “kill ’em with kindness” to see the reference. But it’s also a deeply meaningful title as it goes way beyond a clever play on words, but reflects who I truly am and want to share with the world.

I discussed this on the first episode of the show. I had to have something on the feed in order to submit it to the directories (Apple, Spotify, etc.) but I also wanted to give some background on myself and what to expect with the show.

Launching podcasts is like having children. By the time you get to #19 it’s not as dramatic as #1, but it doesn’t make it any less important.

Here’s a link to listen to what I had to say about the new show, as well as some links to subscribe to your podcast platform of choice.

I’ll begin with the content I’ve previously published under different podcast titles in the last year or so, but rest assured new and exciting content is in the mix, so stay tuned 🙂