It’s Been Awhile

These last few months have been rather busy for me, although you wouldn’t know it judging by the amount of emails I’ve sent to y’all.

I hit a bit of a crossroads in my personal and business life, not to mention I wasn’t seeing a whole lot of fruit from sending email after email. I decided it was wise to take some time off from the newsletter to sort through some things personally and professionally before ramping things up. And now just feels like the right time to get back into it. So here we are 😉

Since last writing to you, I have:

*Been baptized into the Orthodox Church. This was an event a long time in coming, and has played no small role in shaping my own worldview and the direction of my business activities.

*Started a couple new podcasts. One is called Good Morning, and Praise the Lord. It’s a short daily reading of scriptures and prayers according to the Greek Orthodox lectionary, i.e. schedule of readings. If this is of interest to you, you can subscribe to the podcast here.

The other is called Brass Mastery, which is very much a reflection of my own personal development as a musician and a podcaster. Rather than focus on teaching technique, or how to play such and such better, it focuses on mastering one’s self in body, mind and spirit – which in turn will give someone a chance of mastering their instrument. One must keep their priorities in order. If you’re interested, you can join a separate email newsletter at

*Renamed our digital media business to “Gramer-Petrulo”. If you look closely, it contains the first 2-3 letters of the words Grace, Mercy, Peace, Truth, Love. The tagline of the business is “Speaking Grace, Mercy and Truth in Peace and Love.”

The website is still more or less a work in progress, but that will all come together in due time. But if you want to check out what it looks like in its current state, the url is

There’s more to report, but that’s all that’s relevant to this newsletter. As you can see, it’s a bit of a change of scenery, but I’m still the same guy writing to you.

I don’t know how long it will take to get back to writing every day, but at lease you’ll know there is more to come – and you can either stick around or unsubscribe as you see fit 😉

Be well,
