‘Tis better to do than to read

“ ’Tis better to be than to do,” so the saying goes.

I’m going to put a little twist on that classic, iconic phrase and say, “It is better to do than to read.”

I guess “read” rhyme with be, so that’s the logic behind it. Honestly, I jotted down that idea a few days ago and had no idea what it meant when I came back to it for an email idea, so I’m just rolling with imperfection here.

We’re always told that we have to read this, we have to read that, we have to study this, we have to prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare, and prepare some more. And then, and only then, when we decide that we are sufficiently prepared, then we can move forward with confidence. Then we can get started on that project, be it a podcast, an audiobook, a side hustle.

Well, that’s not the way that it goes. I don’t know how many times I’ve had people who have told me they want to get started with some sort of creative project, but they just can’t get to the place where they’re in a position to actually get going. Always kicking the can down the road, and they never get to that point where they’re ready to actually do take action.

It’s frustrating for me, as an entrepreneur who helps out people in positions like this. They’ll make contact, we set an appointment, they express their vision for their project of what it’s going to be.

But when it comes time to take out the card and make that deposit on the service fees they never actually do it.

Why? Because they’re in that valley of indecision. They’re constantly “reading,” meaning they’re reading up on how to do this, how to do that, preparing this, preparing that.

“Once I get this clarified on my mind, then I’ll be ready to go.”

And somehow they can never manage to get that clarity in their mind of how that one final detail is going to be ironed out.

It’s exhausting dealing with people like this. But it also makes me appreciate the doers I work with.

A doer is someone who says, I don’t know everything that I need to know, but I know that if I tarry any longer, then it’ll be for my detriment.

I’m all for preparation. I am all for clarity as to how to go about doing certain things. But there comes a time where you just have to do. And as you move, as you build forward momentum, with forward intent, the clarity is going to come.

Clarity will never come while you’re sitting in your favorite yoga pose, meditating on that blessed, peaceful moment where you’re waiting for the inspiration to come.

The inspiration comes while you’re wallowing in the mud. You’re working your way out of some mess that you have created, or maybe circumstances beyond your control have created. Or maybe a combination of both.

But there you are, wallowing around in the mud, and that effort you’re exerting while getting out of that mess is when the clarity comes.

It’s always while you’re taking action in a mindset of making positive change in your own actions, in your own business, whatever the case may be.

There’s a lot of wisdom in being a reader and always expanding your mind, but…

We also have to be doers.

We have to sometimes just take action and trust that we have the ability to react to things with wisdom and common sense.