I hope I’m never a big potato

I was told by somebody the other day that I am “small potatoes” compared to another group of people who evidently have made a name for themselves in this world.

And I don’t know the actual intent of the person that said this, but I would venture to say that it was meant to insinuate that I am somehow inferior to this other group of people who are the big potatoes. It’s usually derogatory, isn’t it? “He’s small potatoes; don’t worry about what he says or does.”

As I thought about this person’s remarks, I realized that I’m actually glad that I’m a small potato. Because the big potatoes usually need an attitude adjustment. You have to think a little bit too high of yourself to even say such a thing to or about another person.

Big potatoes tend to be rude and arrogant. They think the rules apply to everyone but them.

Were I to be a big potato, I might be tempted to think I’m superior to others, that I can enforce the rules of society on others, but try to get a free pass when my misdeeds are called out.

We’re all small potatoes in the eyes of our creator. The big potatoes think this world is created in their image.

Maybe I’ll start a church called the Church of the Small Potatoes.

I don’t know how theologically sound that is, but there’s a lot of wisdom in it.