What is wrong with me?

Last night, the Minnesota Twins were eliminated from the baseball playoffs. Terrible for them, but you might be asking, “What does this have to do with you?”

I’m asking myself the same thing.

I grew up in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, and always rooted for the Twins. They even won a couple of World Series when I was a kid, which I guess makes the emotional attachment a bit stronger. But all things being equal, it’s kind of funny how we attach ourselves emotionally to pro sports teams.

As a child, I wasn’t really aware of this. Those guys were my heroes, and I didn’t really know of another way to view the situation.

But having lived outside the Twin Cities for going on 30 years, I don’t quite understand why I’m even remotely attached to the team, emotionally or otherwise.

It’s a group of grown men playing a kids’ game, and getting paid a lot of money to do it. They have their own lives, their own problems. Their bosses have their own agendas, which are not even remotely in line with my own goals in life.

So why do I still give a shit about those guys, as though their own success has anything to do with mine?

It’s not like I’m a child and don’t know any better.

I’m out of excuses.

Sometimes you don’t try to make sense of certain mysteries of life. You just accept them as they are and live your life.

Our affection for sports teams, professional or otherwise is one of those great mysteries.

Why do grown men cry when “their team” wins a college national championship? Why do they cry when “their team” loses the big game?

It really makes no sense on an intellectual level, but you chalk it up to the emotional and spiritual parts of us.

I didn’t lose a wink of sleep over the Twins losing last night. My disappointment in hearing of their loss lasted, oh, about 5 seconds and then I was somehow able to get on with life.

My new podcast Energeia.LIVE seeks to uncover, or at least discuss some of those spiritual mysteries. Although it’s hosted and produced by myself with my own worldview, I hope that anyone can listen to it and be better for doing so.

I invite you to listen to the couple of episodes I’ve released thus far. There will be more, but now’s the time to subscribe so you’re notified when new episodes drop.

Here’s the link: https://energeia.live/podcast