Stretch that talent for all it’s worth

Something Vinnie Ciesielski, my recent guest on the Trumpet Dynamics podcast said multiple times is along the lines of he has been given a tiny amount of talent by his Creator, and he has “worked it, kneaded it, repurposed it for everything it’s worth.”

That’s not a verbatim quote, but that’s the gist of it.

We didn’t go into a major discussion on that concept, but it has stuck with me since recording and editing it. While I can’t speak for Vinnie, what I think he means is that he’s manipulated the tiny amount of energy and skill he’s been given and put it to a good purpose.

If you’ve ever seen videos of pasta being made, you can maybe picture this. It begins with a lump of dough about the size of the person’s fist, then it gets kneaded, twisted, cut to the creator’s heart’s content. In some cases, the tiny ball of dough can be stretched to the length of the entire counter, or at the very least 10x the surface area of its beginning size.

Just like Vinnie has stretched that tiny amount of talent (his words, not mine) into something really amazing, we’ve all been given the same opportunity.

For example, I’ve realized over the years that a single podcast episode is sometimes like that lump of dough, which can then be sliced, diced, turned into tiny pieces of content to be used for emails, social media posts, etc. It’s a strategy I’ve begun incorporating with my current podcast clients and it’s been well-received thus far. In many ways, it’s not even a podcast-production business as much as it is a story brand business, of which a podcast is the centerpiece of the table.

If you have a story to tell and can use some guidance on how to tell it, and then how to maximize the number of people who hear it, we may be a good fit to work together. Just reply to this email and let me know what you’re looking to achieve and we’ll go from there.

And if you didn’t get the memo, my massive two part interview with Vinnie went live this past weekend. Here’s the link to listen if you so desire: