Just do something

I came across this story on social media this morning about the great Jackie Robinson, the man who broke the color barrier in Major League Baseball in 1947, that reminds me a lot about how we entrepreneurs are – or need to be. It was written by one of Jackie’s teammates, Rex Barney, and I added a bit of emphasis in one spot that was especially relevant.

“In 1947, Jackie took over, and from ’47 on he was what he wanted to be. He was the most exciting player I had ever seen. Not the best, but the most exciting. If you had a chance to win in any way and you put him up there, you had a chance. A definite chance. Jackie was the most exciting player by far. I never saw anyone like him.

We’d go to other ballparks and pack the house. Having a black player, people came to see if he was a freak, to boo him or to cheer him, whatever, but the second he got on base, you could feel the whole ballpark was on the edge of their seats. Because they knew he was going to do something. It was just a matter of time.

He was not fast…but he was quick. Jackie’s first fifteen or twenty feet was the quickest you’ve ever seen. If you tried to pick him off first, he’d go to second. I’ve seen him hit the ball to right field, and if the right fielder bluffed a throw to first, he’d go to second. He was that quick.

And when he played, the ballparks came alive. Because they knew he was going to do something. It was sad he didn’t get to the major leagues until he was twenty-eight.” 

I love that statement, “They knew he was going to do something.” They didn’t know exactly what he was going to do. And based off of that quote, even Jackie didn’t know what he was going to do half the time. But everyone knew he was going to do something.

There’s a lot to unpack in that statement in and of itself. And it makes sense when you think about the risk that Jackie took, the death threats, the physical and emotional abuse he endured those first couple of years. What is getting thrown out at second base in comparison? Nothing. So why not go for it?

You break down the word “something” and it literally means “a thing” but it’s kind of vague what that thing actually is!

There have been times in my life where I didn’t know exactly what to do, but I knew I needed to do something. Like in 2003, when I found myself in need of a job, and completely burned out on the hourly, factory type jobs I had had since leaving high school (including the Army, the most factory type job there is.) A friend of mine had bought some window washing supplies at the Home Depot and said he had made a few bucks doing it. So I gave it a shot, and 18 months later had built a respectable operation. Nothing that was going to be posted on any stock exchanges, but it was an honest living. In fact, I’ve begun washing windows here in Virginia Beach again, and I’ll be sharing more about that in this newsletter soon.

I could tell story after story of how I had to do something when in an uncertain situation. I’m sure you could too. Like Mike Tyson said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

Knowing how to improvise, and having the confidence to live or die on an impulsive decision is just as important as the ability to create and act upon a sound plan – and it is not for the faint of heart. When we take on a new podcast production client, we always have a plan of action when we get started, but like any business, it’s a game of reacting to things and circumstances as they arise.

It just so happens we’re actively seeking new podcast clients at the moment. If you’ve been thinking of using the medium to promote a business, or simply share a message you believe the world needs to hear, give us a call or click this link: https://jns.media/podcast-production/