Ya Just Gotta Start

More potential podcast or other media projects have been undone, be it of my own or others who have been potential clients, by the fear of just getting going.

These fears are always disguised as excuses:

  1. I don’t know where to begin
  2. There’s too much competition
  3. I’m just not ready

Excuses, being the nails in the House of Failure that they are, are the means by which the timid hesitate, and ultimately fail to even begin with what they know in their heart they need to do. They lose the chance to say what they need to say, and those who would benefit from their message lose by simply not being able to hear it. It may sound overly dramatic, but people’s quality of life is at stake with whether or not we take the risk of saying what we know needs to be said.

Ever see a baby worry about “too much competition” when it cries? Or worry about another baby who’s already walking and they aren’t? Of course not. They cry when they need food or affection; and they walk when they’re good and ready to walk. They fall on their butts a hundred times, but they finally get it and soon you can’t keep track of them.

The thought of “failure” doesn’t occur to them. They just do.

It’s not quite as easy to have that mindset as adults, what with our ego, our pride, our fear of being judged by our peers. But if we wait until everything is “perfect” or even “ready” to begin, we’ve waited way too long. Preparation is good; having a plan is sound. But nothing is ever guaranteed in this life. The best plans become outdated in an instant when the real-world hits; adjustments must be made in real time.

The answer, as far as what I specialize in being podcasts, is to make a plan with a person who’s been in the trenches, prepare as best you can, and then just go, whether you feel “Ready” or not.

This is why I began the Podcasting 0-60 course. To teach those with a message they need to get out to the world the ropes, along with making a plan on how to get it done. Nothing is done overnight, but we can’t tarry either; 60 days is the perfect amount of time to go from idea to launch.

We’re beginning another session of the course very soon, and we’d love to have you join us if you’re thinking of getting into the game. And if you know someone who’s thinking of doing it, send them this link:
