A boy and his kitty is a beautiful sight

About a year ago, my son Gabriel informed me he wanted a cat. Not a dog, not a ferret, not a guinea pig, not even a mongoose. A cat, or nothing at all.

I was open to it, and truth be told I’ve always been partial to dogs, but to each his own right?

Well, I found this place in Virginia Beach when I got back from Vietnam this past summer, and unbeknownst to me, there’s a cat that roams the property. Basically a community cat that gets food from whoever leaves it out for him.

So Gabriel was thrilled to hear that the place his dad was moving into came with a cat! What a stroke of luck for the young lad.

I live here – and work here – I’m here just about all the time. So the cat has learned what a generous soul I am. It loves liver. It can eat it like it’s ice cream. And since Was Mart has an abundant supply of liver at a cheap price, there’s plenty of it. Which means the cat has made my place his quasi home.

And the times Gabriel is here are always joyful for him and the cat. They’ve grown to love each other, and it’s cool to see Gabriel cuddling with the cat on the day bed, and the cat showing love in return.

Never thought I’d be a cat person, but it seems to be working out okay. Kind of like I never thought I’d get into anything like podcasting, much less make a significant portion of my living producing them for myself and others, but it’s worked out okay.

I always thought I’d be an orchestra musician or something glamorous like that, but it’s interesting the stops we encounter on the long and winding road of life.

Turns out I’ve learned a thing or two about podcasting, marketing, branding, among other things, and I’ve been thinking of ways I can share those things I’ve learned with others. One thing I’m considering is a monthly subscription where folks can pick my brain about this or that related to a podcast, a blog, a YouTube channel, really anything that involves hitting a “publish” button. There’s really not that much different in the mediums when you get right down to it.

If this sounds like something that might be of benefit to you and your online or offline business, just reply to this email and we’ll talk. I’m working on creating a more formal landing page advertising this, but this will have to do for now.

Again, just reply to this email, let me know you’re interested in knowing more, and we’ll see what we can work out.

James Newcomb