6 years is a long time…

I recently watched on old interview with Andre Agassi, the great tennis champion, who was on the interview circuit promoting a book he had just written.

The tail end of the interview, the interviewer asked Andre about his courtship of his wife, another great tennis player, Steffi Graf.

Apparently, he had tried to woo Steffi for many months, even years, and she would never give him the time of day.

She had a “boyfriend”, you see. This relationship had been ongoing for over 6 years, so she didn’t want to dishonor her commitment to her present relationship by allowing another man to swoon over her.

Well, as the story goes, Andre somehow managed to get an audience with Steffi, either in person or on the phone I don’t know.

But the conversation drifted to her current relationship, and all Andre said was: “Six years…that’s a long time.”

That one statement made Steffi pause and think about her situation. And it wasn’t long before she broke it off with the other guy and soon after that Andre and Steffi were married – and remain so to this day.

Maybe Steffi was so focused on her tennis career, that it didn’t occur to her that 6 years is a long time for a man to court a woman without taking action, i.e. asking her to marry him.

But one statement was all it took for her to see the lack of commitment in one man, and overwhelming commitment in another.

I just did the math, and realized I’ve been at this podcasting thing for 6 years myself. It’s had its ups and downs. And while I’ve probably failed at more projects than I’ve succeeded with, I have learned a few things along the way.

The things I’ve learned at the proverbial “easy school of hard knocks” is what I incorporate into our work at the Podcast Artistry program. It’s more than simply editing audio, slapping on an intro and outro and shipping it out the door; there’s a whole philosophy behind it, and that I encourage all our clients to remember.

To check out what we’re about, just remember the URL: podcastartistry.com