$100 well spent – or should I say “invested”

Last Thursday morning I injured my hand out in the back of the property where I’m staying. There’s a little marsh that separates the property from some pretty cool walking trails, so I’ve been crossing the marsh which is about 8 inches deep either way, both to and from my morning walk.

Not a huge deal, but getting my feet soaking wet each way kind of gets on my nerves. So I was trying to build a make shift bridge out of some concrete slabs that Terry the owner has strewn about the yard. Then it started raining, I slipped and fell, and gave my left hand a nice little cut right where the palm and the wrist meet.

I didn’t want to go to the urgent care and deal with getting stitches. I thought I could take care of it myself with a little soap, water, iodine, unicorn tears, and super glue to hold it all together. And it was going okay until this morning when I took the super glue off and saw that it wasn’t really healing like I thought it would.

Best to get it looked at by a doc rather than risk an infection. So I went to the nearby urgent care, paid the $100 entrance fee, went through the standard vitals checks, then was seen by an intern, then the actual doc.

Whole process took all of 20 minutes, and basically the doc said the wound had healed to the point that stitches were not necessary. He also said the iodine and the super glue, while killing off bacteria and sort of holding the skin together was actually preventing it from healing properly. Take neosporin, wrap in some bandages for a couple of days, and see what happens.

So I was off, my checking account $100 lighter than when I walked in 20 minutes prior.

There was a time in my life I would have thought that was a waste of money, that I could have read that on the internet and not spent that $100.

But today I don’t see it that way. I was happy to have the assurance from a legit medical pro that a) my wound was not becoming infectious; and b) that I was basically doing the right thing, only slightly the wrong way and a little tweak is all I needed to right the ship.

In fact, as I type this email about 8 hours after leaving the urgent care, the wound has healed quite a bit taking his advice.

I can recall times when I was trying to guess, or google (same thing really) the best course of action for what direction to go with my business; and then a short call with a business coach put me on the right track. The good ones aren’t cheap, but when you view it as an investment rather than an expense, it’s really worth it when you think about it. Especially when their advice proves to be sound.

I’m currently expanding my consulting services beyond the Fortunate Few who have hired me to do their podcast production work. If you’re kind of stuck on something and need a bit of a push in the right direction – or a good swift kick in the pants (I excel at both) – reply to this email and let me know what’s on your mind. At this stage of the game, I’m happy to allow my brain to be picked in 15 minute increments at no charge. And trust me, that offer won’t last forever.

So give this email a reply and let’s talk.

Be well,

James Newcomb