Faith’s Testimonies: Real-life Miracles and Divine Protection with Frederica Mathewes-Green (Part 5)

In this episode, James and Frederica share personal accounts of miraculous events in their lives. James recounts two near-death experiences while driving, attributing his survival to divine intervention. We’re joined by special guest Sana Dorry, who shares her own miraculous story in Bangkok, narrowly avoiding a deadly bus accident, and describes her involvement with the Rohingya community.

The episode concludes with reflections on the nature of miracles and the importance of attracting people to the gospel through positive and uplifting stories.

Episode highlights:

00:17 James’ Miraculous Journey from Missouri to Georgia

02:10 Another Driving Miracle: Washington to Minnesota

04:12 Sana’s Miraculous Bus Incident in Bangkok

10:29 Sana’s Experiences with Rohingya Refugees

13:32 Sana’s Rescue of a Baby in Bangkok

17:42 Conclusion and Reflections on Miracles


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